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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Opps... I forgot to show you the quilt

So if anyone has been waiting patiently to see the Little Apples baby quilt I promised to show you the next day on the post from Jan. 15th (obviously that didn't happen), I am sorry!!!

We have had a bit of a phenomenon here lately.  You see, it's snowing.  Maybe not that much of a big deal to you (depending on where you reside) but to us here in WA, it's a pretty big deal.  Usually, if it snows at all where we live, it snows and then melts within a few hours.  Until a few days ago it had not snowed at all here this year.  So... when it finally did snow, I was ecstatic!  The boys were a whirlwind of activity and excitement. 

Shoveling all the snow into the wagon.  They're so funny.

I spent the entire day alternating between piling on the snow gear and sending them out to play, then peeling off soaking wet snow gear and warming them up with cocoa, cozy quilts and hugs.  We figured it would all be gone by the afternoon so it was all about getting out there that day.  They watched a few winter themed movies while warming up. 

Apparently this one had about all the excitement he could handle that day.  He fell asleep in the middle of a sentence. 

Then we woke up the next morning and it was still snowing.  Exciting, though a little odd.  The boys were happy enough to play outside in this novelty again though. 

They both came running inside looking for a carrot, a warm hat and a scarf.  They were making a "surprise" for me to see.  Grampa went outside and helped a little with the surprise too.  

I was inspired by the fresh, pure white blanket and the quiet that always happens when the snow falls.  I spent the day (when not being summoned to fix a glove, re-zip a jacket or scoop snow out of the back of a screeching little boys shirt) sewing and baking.  It was a leisurely few days for us.

At around 5:30 this morning though, I woke up to this. 

This was quite a surprise as I don't think I've seen this much snow in my entire 3 years living in WA.  Now, 27 years of living in AK this is pretty cool to me and very missed.  It's not something I expected to see here though.  The boys however, have been a whirlwind of activity since 6 am. 

"Can we go out now please? I really wanna play! I promise we'll play quietly and not wake any neighbors up.  Plleeaaaaseeee?!? Please Mom!"  Finally, at 7:52 this morning, I let them loose.  The air was charged with their electricity and excitement.  Aiden held his little brothers arm across the boardwalk to Baba & Grampa's house, afraid he might get lost in the snow 'cause he's so little.  Very sweet.  :)

As I was making a pot of coffee and happily smiling out the window at it, I thought how much it reminded me of the crisp white sashing on the Little Apples quilt I showed you several days ago... The quilt I... Oh no! I did show them didn't I? I promised I would.  I, I... (frantic searching through my blog)... I didn't show them! I can't believe it!... I'm such a jerk!

So, without further ado, here's the quilt I promised several days ago.


  I am totally in love with this fabric line right now.  I took a charm pack (2 actually I believe) and chopped it in half in different widths.  They ended up being about 1.5", 2", 3" etc inch pieces.  I kept the 5" length on them and they mixed them up and pieced them back together into random sized coin stacks.  Then I sashed and bordered the quilt to square it up.  The back is my favorite print from the collection with the Gray dots I love.  Must find more of this fabric before it's gone. 

Hope you like it! I think it was worth waiting for.  ;)

Now, I'm going to get a second cup of coffee and watch the snow fall while I do a little more sewing this morning. 

Hope everyone has a great day!


Becky Traini said...

I love the quilt, such a cute pattern.....but I really love the pictures of the kids playing in the snow!! Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

That quilt is just lovely, I especially like the quilting on it. Your boys are so precious. Enjoy your snow day :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the nice comments. I had fun with that quilt. I will admit though that it's always more fun watching and taking pictures of the boys.