He did such a great job! And I got to sit in the lawn chair, read a book, and sip water. It was a wonderful treat. Even better was his attitude about it. He was so pleased to be helping me.
He ran over at one point to where I was sitting and hugged me. "I'm sure working up a thirst!" he says. I gave him some water. Just before he runs off to continue mowing he looks back and says, "Hey Mom? Am I doing a good job? Or even a great one?" I of course told him he was doing the most awesome job ever! He smiled and said, "Oh good. Then you can sit down and relax today while I work cause you always do everything for me and Odin and Daddy."
Seriously?!? How can you not love this little guy to pieces! I definately felt my eyes well up at that conversation. What a sweet boy he is. He really does have such a kind and sensitive heart. He is so delighted to know he's helped you in even the smallest way. And he's all mine!
And here's his little cheerleader. He was so cute. "Aiden you're doing good work! Good job Aiden, you got all the grasses!"
And speaking of this little guy, here's some pics of his first Dental visit. He was so excited to go see Dr. Andy like Big Brother.
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Isn't he just so stinkin' cute? |
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His hygienist, Starla, putting on his "rain coat". |
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Don't you just want to pick him up and squeeze him? I love him to death! |
How has everyone else's week been? I've managed to get a little bit of sewing and quilting done this week. Hoping to post some pics of the Wonky Log Cabin blocks later today. I have finished quite a few. Stay tuned!
AWE! Those boys are so cute! I miss my little man being that young, he's 10 years old now but he's still a lot of fun! My youngest is 2, she crawled up into my lap yesterday, gave me a hug and said, "I'm a beast!" Beast is her word for princess :) Also, here's an odd fact about me, I'm 30 years old and have NEVER mowed a lawn. Crazy, huh?!
NEVER mowed a lawn!?! Wow. I seriously can't believe that! My brother and I both mowed the lawn growing up and I have continued to do so since leaving home. Odd fact about me: I love doing laundry. I've been known to start a load even if it's really not full enough. I know, weird.
Thanks for the nice comments too! I am really not looking forward to these boys growing up.
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