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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Just a quick post for now to say I'm sorry about the long absence.  I have had much going on lately and frankly haven't had any time for sewing, let alone blogging about my sewing. 

My dad has been really sick and was in the hospital for about a week.  I spent my days at the hospital hanging out with him and allowing my mom to get some much needed rest.  My dad is now home from the hospital but still very sick.  

August 20th was my little brothers wedding.   :)  Very excited about that! I absolutely adore my brother and was so happy to be present when he pledged his life and love to Caitlin.  Caitlin is a wonderful young woman with a kind and generous heart and always has such a genuine smile on her face.  I could not have hand-picked anyone better for my brother.  They are such an attractive couple - both physically and spiritually - and it was such a blessing to have the opportunity to see them together and witness how young and in love they are.  (sniff, sniff).

Me, the Hubs and the boys had a great time at the wedding.  The boys were ring bearers and looked way too stinkin' cute in their little tuxes!  We arrived a few days before the wedding and helped Caitlin's parents run some errands and get things finished up for the wedding.  I was in charge of the rehearsal dinner since my parents couldn't make it to the wedding, so Jake and I got that set up with the help of my Granny and my dads three sisters (aka. "the Aunts").  I was so grateful for all the help and great company I was provided.  It was wonderful to see my extended family and close friends of my parents and have that time to catch up with them all. 

Since my dad was still so sick, and barely out of the hospital, my parents were not able to attend the wedding.  The church where the wedding was held was able to hook their video equipment up to Skype though, and my parents and mother-in-law were all able to watch the wedding ceremony live through Skype on their TV!  It was a wonderful present to them as I know they were so sad not to be physically at the wedding.

Well, this is what has kept me so busy and absence as of late.  I will be back very soon to continue blogging about my quilting and sewing adventures.  I hope you have all had a wonderful summer!


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